IMS Toolkit (Integrated Management System)
- Implement ISO 9001, 45001, & ISO 14001 in one go
- Includes IMS Implementation Pack
- Project Plan For IMS Implementation
- IMS Manual Included
- Ready for Immediate Download
- Unlimited Email & Chat Support
- Ambulance Weekly Checklist
- Aspect and Impact Procedure
- Aspect and Impact Register
- Bomb Threat Checklist
- Breakdown Analysis Format
- Calibration Equipment Tracker
- Canteen Committee MOM Format
- Change Management Form
- Change Management Procedure
- Communication Procedure
- Competency Matrix
- Compliance Obligations Procedure
- Compliance Obligations Register
- Context of the Organization and Interested Parties
- Context, Risk and Opportunity Procedure
- Contractor Management and
Outsourcing Procedure - Control of Non-Conformity
Procedure - Corrective Action Report Format
- Customer Feedback and Complaint Register
- Document Change Request Form
- Emergency Response and
Preparedness Plan - Emerging Issues Tracker
- Equipment Checklist Format
- Fire Extinguisher List
- Fire Extingusiher Checklist
- Fire Fighter List
- Fire Hydrant Checklist
- First Aid Box Checklist
- First Aider List
- Food Handlers Daily Checklist
- Food Handlers Test
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Procedure
- Health and Safety Committee Member List
- Health and Safety Management Procedure
- HIRA Format
- Human Resource Management Procedure
- IMS Excel Implementation Plan
- IMS Internal Audit Checklist
- IMS Manual
- IMS Objectives and Targets
Tracker - IMS Policy
- IMS Project Plan
- Incident Log
- Incident Management and
Reporting Procedure - Incident Reporting Format
- Internal and External
Communication Tracking Sheet - Internal Audit Procedure
- Internal Audit Programme
Schedule - Internal Audit Report
- Leadership and Commitment
Procedure - List of Canteen Committee
Members - List of Fire Extinguisher
- List of Fire Fighter
- List of First Aider
- List of Internal Auditors
- Machine Breakdown Analysis
- Management of Medical Facility Procedure
- Management of Medical Facility
- Management Review Meeting Minutes
- Master list of Equipments
- Master List of Suppliers
- Material Receipt Format
- Mock Drill Format
- Mock Drill Report
- Mock Drill Schedule
- Mock Drill
- New Product Design and
Development Procedure - Nonconformity and Corrective Action Procedure
- Non-Conformity Report
- Participation and Consultation Matrix
- Participation and Consultation procedure
- Patient Registration Format
- PPE Issuance Register
- PPE Procedure
- Procedure for Customer
Satisfaction and Complaint - Procedure forMaintenance of Equipment
- Procedure for Stores, Issuance and Logstics
- Procedure in Creating, Updating and Control of Documented Information
- Procedure of Vendor Selection and Evaluation
- Procedure to Identify Needs and Expectation of Interested Parties
- Procurement Procedure
- Purchase Order Format
- Purchase Requisition Format
- Resource, Competence and
Awareness Procedure - Roles And Responsibility Matrix
- Root Cause Analysis Excel
Template - Safety Committee MOM
- Sales Procedure
- Spill Prevention Team
- Stores Issuance and Logistics Procedure
- Training Evaluation Format
- Training Needs Identification and Training Calendar
- Training Record and Attendance Register
- Vehicle Checklist Format
- Vendor Selection and Evaluation Procedure
- Waste Management Procedure
- Water Management Procedure
Optimize Your Business With Our IMS Toolkit - Your Complete Management Solution!
The IMS - Integrated Management System Toolkit is a complete solution for organizations aiming to simplify and unify their management processes. Packed with essential tools and resources, this toolkit helps you implement and maintain an integrated management system with ease, reducing complexity, saving time, and cutting costs. Streamline your operations with our IMS Toolkit today!
Format: MS Word, MS Excel and PPT
Features of IMS Toolkit :
1. Seamless Integration of Standards: The IMS Toolkit supports the integration of multiple management systems, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001, enabling organizations to manage compliance across various standards with ease.
2. Customizable Templates for Documentation: Includes a comprehensive set of ready-to-use, fully customizable templates for policies, procedures, and documentation, designed to fit the unique needs of your organization while ensuring compliance with relevant standards.
3. Centralized Document Control: Provides a centralized platform to manage and organize all documents related to multiple management systems, ensuring easy access, version control, and improved collaboration across teams.
4. Performance Monitoring & Reporting Tools: Equipped with advanced tools for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and generating reports, helping organizations monitor compliance and drive continual improvement across all integrated systems.