What are the roles and responsibilities in ISO 22301 change management ?
ISO 22301, the international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS), provides a systematic approach to ensuring that organizations can continue to function during and after a disruptive incident. Change management is a fundamental component of this, as it ensures that the BCMS remains effective and relevant as the organization and its environment evolve.

Specific roles and responsibilities related to change management within ISO 22301 can be defined based on the organization's structure, needs, and the intricacies of the standard. However, in a general context, the roles and responsibilities include:
Top Management:
- Approval of Changes: Top management should approve significant changes to ensure that they align with the organization's strategic direction.
- Resource Allocation: Ensure resources (like time, money, and personnel) are available for managing and implementing changes.
- Policy Revision: As necessary, update the business continuity policy to reflect significant changes.
Business Continuity Manager/Coordinator:
- Identify Changes: Recognize when changes in the organization's internal or external environment might impact the BCMS.
- Assessment: Evaluate the potential effects of proposed changes on the BCMS's effectiveness.
- Recommendations: Propose necessary modifications to the BCMS to accommodate or address these changes.
- Implementation: Oversee or coordinate the implementation of approved changes.
- Communication: Ensure that all relevant parties are aware of the changes and any associated implications or responsibilities.
Change Advisory Board or Change Management Team:
- Review: Examine proposed changes, evaluate risks, and implications.
- Validation: Ensure that changes don't introduce unforeseen vulnerabilities.
- Testing: If required, facilitate testing of the modified components of the BCMS to ensure they remain effective.
- Documentation: Keep records of all changes, reasons for changes, and outcomes.
Operational Teams or Departmental Heads:
- Notification: Alert the BCMS team or the Business Continuity Manager of potential or planned changes in their respective areas that might impact the BCMS.
- Implementation: Enact approved changes within their departments or teams.
- Training: Ensure that their teams are trained on any changes that pertain to their roles or responsibilities.
Internal Auditors:
- Review of Changes: Regularly review the change management process to ensure it remains compliant with ISO 22301 and is effectively implemented.
- Feedback: Provide feedback and recommendations on the change management process based on audit findings.
All Employees:
- Awareness: Stay informed about changes that impact their roles or departments.
- Compliance: Comply with new procedures or policies resulting from implemented changes.
- Feedback: Report any issues or observations related to implemented changes.
Remember, the specific roles and responsibilities will vary based on the size and structure of the organization, the nature of its business, and the details of its BCMS. However, the above roles provide a general framework based on the intent of ISO 22301.