What is Incident Report?

Feb 2, 2022by Nick T

An incident report is a written document that should be completed at the time of an incident. A report can be used by any member of the organization to raise awareness for an incident that has occurred in the workplace. Incident reporting is broken down into three steps:
1) Identifying and Recording, 2) Gathering Information, 3) Closing Out the Report.

  • Identifying and Recording – The first step in the incident report is to identify what occurred during the time of the incident. It should be noted whether there are any witnesses or not, who was involved with the event, if medical attention has been given for injuries sustained, if anyone else witnessed besides yourself, etc.
  • Gathering Information – The information you gather is vital to the investigation of an incident. It can make or break your case, so it’s important that you take the time to get all the details right. Here are three tips for gathering information in an incident report:

1) Get as many details about the scene as possible before starting your report – this includes things like who was involved, what they were doing at the time, and any other relevant background info.
2) Make sure you ask permission from anyone else involved if their name will be included in your report; some people may not want their involvement made public
3) Remember that all information must be accurate and verifiable – don’t embellish anything!

  • Closing Out the Report – The Closing Out the Report section is where you will summarize what was done to resolve the issue. It helps document any changes that were made and gives an overview of the problem for those who may not have read all your work. This allows them to see how much time, effort, and resources you put into resolving their problem as well as ensuring they understand your solution.

 Incident report

What is the Purpose of Incident Reporting?

Incident reporting is a process that can help to increase the safety of your workplace. It helps you to identify hazards and risks in your environment, which can then be corrected or controlled. Incident reports are also used for other purposes such as for legal purposes, insurance claims, and other administrative tasks. The goal of incident reporting is simple: it’s about identifying potential problems before they become real issues.

The purpose of this Helps you understand how an incident report can be useful:

  • What types of incidents should have an incident report?
  • How long does it take to write one up?
  • How do I file my report?

What should be included in the report?

1. Immediate Reinforcement
The immediate reinforcement of actions in incident reports is a process that provides feedback to an individual on his or her performance. This type of reinforcement can be used for both positive and negative actions.
Here are some benefits:

  • Immediate reinforcement reinforces good behavior and encourages people to make more informed decisions.
  • It helps build trust among colleagues
  • People will want to continue doing what they did because they know you will be reinforcing it.

2.Hazards and Threats Communication and Awareness
Hazards and Threats Communication and Awareness (HTCA) is a vital element for incident reports. The 5 benefits of HTCA are:

  • Better awareness of hazards in an area.
  • More accurate reporting on what happened during an event.
  • Increased accountability for first responders.
  • Reduced duplication of effort by first responders to report information.
  • Improved understanding about what could happen if there were another disaster.

3.Continuous Improvement
Process Improvement is the process of making changes to a business or organization based on an analysis that will improve efficiency, quality, and customer service. Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) is the act of always looking for ways to make improvements in how things are done. Incident reports are one area where CPI can be applied.

 Incident report

How to Write an Incident Report?

Writing an incident report can be a difficult task. The key to getting it right is to start by following these steps:

An incident report should be accurate. It’s important that the person writing the incident report gets all of the facts and details correct, as well as having a clear understanding of what happened. Without this, it is possible that other people may not understand what took place, or they might misunderstand. This could lead to bad decisions being made by those reading the report.

An incident report should be a factual, unbiased summary of an event. The reader may or may not have been present when the event occurred and will rely on the report to understand what happened at that time. To accomplish this goal, it is important for an incident report to provide as many details as possible about all aspects of the event, including:

  • What was happening before the incident?
  • Who was involved in/witnesses to the incident?
  • What were they doing before and after it happened?
  • How did bystanders react during and after it happened?
  • What was the result or outcome of what happened?


If you have had a safety issue on your property, it’s important to know what you need in order to document it properly. This form will help guide you through the process of documenting safety incidents in your workplace or other place where work takes place. The first thing to do is fill out all the information about when and where the incident took place as well as who was involved in it.

An incident report should be valid. You will need to include all of the necessary information for an incident report, and it is important that you do not leave anything out. The most common question people ask is “what are the requirements?” There are no set requirements, but there are some things you should consider before you write up your incident report. These include who reported it, what happened, where did it happen (geographic location), when did it happen (date), how many people were involved in the event or affected by the event? Finally, why did it happen?

Incident report

What to Include in Incident Report?

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the person who was involved in the incident is alright! If not, it’s important to get them medical attention as soon as possible.

Next, write down what happened and where it took place. The date of the incident goes next followed by any witnesses or people nearby who might be able to provide more information about what happened. Next comes how you responded and what steps were taken afterwards for safety reasons (like making sure everyone had the proper safety equipment on).

Include what, if anything, needed to be repaired or replaced after the incident. Finally comes your conclusion and who you should contact for further information about this situation.

You can also include any photos of damage that was caused by the accident as well as important documents like policy manuals that may help answer questions relating to how an incident happened at all.