QMS 9001 Action Register Excel Template

by Kishan Tambralli

What Is Action Register QMS 9001?

Action register OMS 9001 is a specific type of Action Register that is designed to help organizations manage and monitor corrective and preventive action (CAPA) processes. The aim of the Action Register QMS 9001 is to ensure that all CAPA activities are properly documented, tracked, and completed promptly. The Action Register QMS 9001 can be used as part of an organization’s quality management system (QMS) or as a standalone document.

QMS 9001 Action Register

To be effective, the Action Register QMS 9001 should include the following information:

  • Action taken:
    The corrective or preventive action that was taken in response to the identified issue.
  • The person responsible for the action:
    The individual or team is responsible for carrying out the corrective or preventive action. This person or team should be identified so that they can be held accountable for the results of the action.
  • The due date for completion of the action:
    The date by which the corrective or preventive action must be completed. This due date should be realistic and achievable, and it should be communicated to all relevant parties.
  • Date of completion of the action:
    The actual date on which the corrective or preventive action was completed. This date should be recorded so that it can be compared against the due date to assess whether the action was completed on time.

What Comes After The Corrective Action Plan Is Defined?

Organizations need to have a plan in place for when they realize they have a problem. Once the corrective action plan is put into place, it's important to be sure that the plan is effective. Ineffective plans can do more harm than good, so it's crucial to make sure that the right steps are being taken. Too often, companies focus on putting the plan into place and forget to follow up to make sure it's effective. Without proper oversight, the corrective action plan can quickly become ineffective and cause more problems than it solves.

QMS 9001 Action Register Information

Another important factor to consider is how the corrective action plan will be communicated to employees. Everyone must understand what the plan is and what their role is in making it work. If employees are not on board with the plan, it will likely fail. Be sure to communicate the corrective action plan to all employees, and make sure they understand their role in making it successful.

Finally, be sure to review the corrective action plan periodically to ensure that it's still relevant and effective. Plans should be updated as new information arises or as new problems are identified. By keeping the corrective action plan current, organizations can be sure that they're taking the right steps to address any problems that may arise.

There are three important steps to follow:

  • Assess the risks and opportunities of the change: The change in action register QMS 9001 is an important step forward for quality management systems. By changing the focus of audits from documentation checking to process evaluation, it becomes easier to identify and correct problems before they result in poor quality products. Additionally, this new method allows quality managers to more closely monitor customer feedback and supplier performance, improving the organization's ability to meet customer demands. However, there are some risks associated with this change.
    One potential issue is that employees may not be adequately trained in how to use the new process, which could lead to confusion and errors. Additionally, if the organization is not prepared to properly implement the new process, it may be difficult to maintain compliance with the updated requirements.
  • Carry out the planned changes: The focus of the revision was placed on clarifying language, making it easier to understand and comply with. Some key changes that were made include: 
  1. A requirement for top management to provide leadership and ensure engagement throughout the organization.
  2. More emphasis on risk-based thinking.
  3. A requirement for documenting management reviews and decisions.
  4. Greater use of process performance indicators.
  5. A distinction between product requirements and customer expectations.
ISO 9001

    QMS 9001 Action Register Template

    • Verify the effectiveness of the corrective action: To ensure that the quality management system (QMS) 9001 is effective, corrective actions need to be verified. This process involves verifying that the corrective action has been implemented and is effective. Verification also includes confirming that the cause of the nonconformance has been identified and addressed. Finally, it is important to verify that the corrective action plan is effective and addresses any previous issues.

      One way to verify corrective actions is to review the QMS records. 
      This can be done by looking at the nonconformance report and checking to see if the corrective action was taken. If the corrective action was not taken, then it is important to follow up with the responsible party to ensure that it is completed. Another way to verify corrective actions is to conduct audits. Audits can be conducted internally or externally. Internal audits are conducted by employees of the company, while external audits are conducted by outside organizations. Auditing can be used to verify that corrective actions have been properly implemented and are effective.

      Finally, it is important to communicate with all interested parties about the status of corrective actions. This includes customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Communicating with interested parties ensures that they are aware of the issue and that they understand how it is being addressed. It also helps to build trust and confidence in the company’s ability to effectively address quality issues.

    Explain The Benefits Of Action Register QMS 9001?

    An Action Register QMS 9001 is an important document for a quality management system (QMS). This document helps an organization track and act on nonconformities, corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), and other quality issues. The main benefits of using an Action Register QMS 9001 are as follows: 

    • Ensures that all actions are taken on quality issues promptly.
    • Improves the effectiveness of the QMS by providing a central repository for all action items.
    • Helps to ensure that actions taken are appropriate and effective.
    • Facilitates communication between different departments and individuals within the organization.
    • Provides evidence of the organization's commitment to continual improvement.

    ISO 9001