ISO 45001: Clause 1 - Scope

by avinash v


ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) management systems. It was developed to help organizations of all sizes and industries to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their employees, contractors, and visitors.

The standard is designed to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, reduce potential hazards, and improve overall OH&S performance. It also includes requirements for continuous improvement, employee participation, and communication.

Scope for ISO 45001

Importance of ISO 45001: Clause 1 Scope

The importance of clause 1 of ISO 45001 lies in its ability to provide a clear understanding of the standard's requirements. It is the starting point for any organization's journey towards ISO 45001 certification and sets the stage for the rest of the clauses, including the framework for managing health and safety in the workplace. Clause 1 sets out the scope of the OHSMS, outlining the boundaries within which the standard is to be applied.

The scope of an OHSMS is critical to its successful implementation and maintenance within an organization. It should include all the activities, products, services, and processes within an organization's control that can affect employee health and safety. This could include everything from the design, manufacture, and supply chain of products to the activities and practices within the workplace.

How To Determine Your Organization's Scope for ISO 45001?

To create an effective OHSMS, it is important to determine your organization's scope. Defining your scope involves identifying the boundaries of your system, including the activities and areas of the organization that will be covered. This helps to ensure that your OHSMS is manageable, effective and relevant.

There are several key steps to follow to determine your organization's scope for ISO 45001.

Step 1: Understand your organization's activities: The first step is to understand your organization's activities, including the products and services provided, and the processes involved in delivering them. Identify the activities that are directly related to occupational health and safety, and those that have an indirect impact.

Step 2: Determine the boundaries of your OHSMS: Once you have identified all relevant activities, determine the boundaries of your OHSMS. This includes identifying any physical locations, departments, or business units that will be covered. Be sure to consider all internal and external factors that could impact your OHSMS, including contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Step 3: Establish the scope of your OHSMS: Based on the information gathered in steps 1 and 2, establish the scope of your OHSMS. This should clearly define the boundaries of your system, including the activities, locations, and processes that are covered. The scope should also identify any exclusions or limitations, along with the rationale for these decisions.

Step 4: Communicate the scope internally and externally: It is important to communicate the scope of your OHSMS to all relevant stakeholders, including employees, contractors, and customers. This helps to ensure that everyone is aware of the boundaries of the system and their role in ensuring its effectiveness. A clear and concise scope statement should be included in your OHSMS documentation.

Step 5: Review and update the scope regularly: Finally, it is important to review and update the scope of your OHSMS on a regular basis. Changes to your organization's activities, processes, or locations could impact the effectiveness of your system. Regular reviews help to ensure that your OHSMS remains relevant and effective in managing and improving occupational health and safety.

By understanding your organization's activities, establishing clear boundaries, communicating the scope, and reviewing it regularly, you can ensure that your system remains effective in managing and improving occupational health and safety.


In Conclusion, the scope clause in ISO 45001 is essential in establishing a foundation for implementing and maintaining an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System. It outlines the boundaries and limitations of the OH&S MS application, legal requirements, and stakeholders.

Organizations must review and update the scope of their OH&S MS as needed to ensure that they remain compliant with the legal requirements and meet the needs of the stakeholders. Compliance with this clause is vital in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.