ISO 27001 Document and Record Control Procedure Template
The ISO 27001 Document and Record Control Procedure Template is designed to help organizations effectively manage their information security documentation and records. This template provides a structured approach to ensure that all documents are properly controlled, updated, and stored in compliance with ISO 27001 standards. It helps maintain accuracy, consistency, and accessibility of records, ensuring that the organization meets regulatory requirements and supports continuous improvement in its information security management system (ISMS)

Required ISO 27001 Documents
The ISO 27001: 2013 standard includes the following required documents:
Statement of Applicability
- Security Policy
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Treatment Plan
- Security objectives and controls
- Security Controls Procedures
- Information Security Incident Management Procedure
- Information Security Aspects of Business Continuity Management
- Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- Physical and Environmental Security.
Record Definition
The term 'Record' means any information that has been created, received, or maintained by an organisation in support of its business activities. Records include, but are not limited to, written communications, emails, contracts, financial statements, and website content. The purpose of the Record Definition is to ensure that all records are managed in a consistent and compliant manner.
Under the requirements of ISMS 27001, records must be:
- Accurate and up to date.
- Complete and cannot be altered.
- Legible and easy to understand.
- Protected from unauthorised access, destruction, or modification.
Organisations must also appoint a records Manager who is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and destruction of records in accordance with company policy.
Required ISO 27001 Records
In order to be compliant with ISO 27001, there are certain records that must be kept. These records include:
- A list of all assets within the scope of the ISO 27001 certification
- A list of all individuals with access to those assets
- A list of all security measures that have been implemented
- A list of all security incidents that have occurred
- A list of all changes that have been made to the security measures
- A list of all audits that have been conducted
- A list of all training and awareness activities that have been conducted - A list of all corrective and preventive actions that have been taken.
How Should Documentation and Records be Managed?
In order to ensure the security of information assets, it is important to have a well-defined and implemented process for managing documentation and records. ISO 27001 is an international standard that provides guidance on how to do this. we will explain in detail how to manage documentation and records in accordance with ISO 27001.
- First, it is important to understand what documentation and records are. Documentation refers to any information that is used to support the operations of an organisation. This can include policies, procedures, plans, and other documents that describe how the organisation functions. Records are any information that is used to document the progress or results of an activity. This can include data, logs, reports, and other documentation that captures the output of an activity.
- In order to effectively manage documentation and records, organisations need to establish a system for storing and managing them. The system should be designed to ensure that documentation and records are properly protected from unauthorised access, alteration, or destruction. The system should also be designed to ensure that only authorised individuals have access to the documentation and records.
- Once a system for storing and managing documentation and records has been established, organisations need to develop procedures for controlling access to the documentation and records. The procedures should specify who is allowed to access the documentation and records and how they are allowed to access them. The procedures should also specify how the documentation and records are to be protected from unauthorised access and from damage or destruction.
- Organisations should also develop procedures for ensuring that the documentation and records are accurate and complete. The procedures should specify how the documentation and records are to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The procedures should also specify how changes to the documentation and records are to be tracked and when they are to be made available to authorised users.
- Organisations should also develop procedures for ensuring that the documentation and records are accessible to authorised users. The procedures should specify how the documentation and records are to be stored and how they are to be organised. The procedures should also specify how the documentation and records are to be retrieved when needed.

Who’s Responsible For Document Control Procedures?
Document control is a critical process in any organisation that creates, uses, and stores documents. It helps to ensure that documents are accurate, up to date, and accessible to those who need them. But who is responsible for document control procedures?
There are four key players who are typically involved in document control:
- The document owner
- The author
- The approver
- The customer or client.
Each of these players has a different role to play in ensuring that documents are properly controlled. Let's take a closer look at each one.
1. The Document Owner
The document owner is the individual or organisation who creates or owns the documents in question. They are responsible for ensuring that the documents are accurate and up to date. In some cases, the document owner may also be responsible for approving changes to the documents.
2. The Author
The author is the individual who creates the initial draft of a document. In many cases, the author will also be responsible for making changes to the document as needed.
3. The Approver
The approver is the individual or organization who has the authority to approve changes to a document. In some cases, the approver may also be responsible for reviewing and signing off on new versions of the document.
4. The Customer or Client
The customer or client is the individual or organization who will be using the documents in question. They may provide feedback on the documents and may need to approve changes before they can be implemented.
The Benefits Of Document Control And Record Procedures?
Document control and record procedures are important for managing documents and records. When used correctly, they can help organizations to control costs, improve efficiency, and avoid legal risks. Some of the benefits of document control and record procedures include:
- Reduced Costs: Document control and record procedures can help organizations to save money by reducing the amount of paper and other resources used.
- Improved Efficiency: Document control and record procedures can help to improve the efficiency of an organization by providing clear guidelines for managing documents and records.
- Reduced Legal Risks: By providing clear procedures for managing documents and records, document control and record procedures can help to reduce the legal risks associated with mismanagement of these items.
The ISO 27001 Document and Record Control Procedure Template ensures that an organization maintains proper control over its documentation and records in line with ISO 27001 standards. By streamlining document management, it helps enhance compliance, minimize risks, and improve overall information security practices. This template supports efficient record keeping, fostering a robust information security management system (ISMS)