Article 56 Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), Entry Into Force and Application

by Sneha Naskar

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a significant legislative measure aimed at enhancing the financial and operational framework within the European Union. This regulation includes specific dates for its entry into force and applicability, ensuring a structured transition period for compliance. Below, we outline the details of these dates and the scope of the Regulation.

Article 56 Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), Entry Into Force and Application

Effective Date of the Regulation

The Regulation will take effect on the twentieth day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This delay is designed to give Member States, financial entities, and other relevant stakeholders sufficient time to prepare for the upcoming changes. This preparation period is crucial for making the necessary administrative, procedural, and operational adjustments required to implement the Regulation effectively.

Applicability Date

The Regulation will be applicable starting from [PO: insert date - 12 months after the date of entry into force]. This twelve-month transition period allows Member States and affected entities to align their practices and systems with the new requirements. During this time, all parties are expected to integrate the Regulation's provisions into their operations, update internal processes, and address any compliance issues.

Specific Applicability of Articles 23 and 24

Articles 23 and 24 of the Regulation will be applicable from [PO: insert date - 36 months after the date of entry into force of this Regulation]. The extended timeline for these articles indicates their complexity or the need for additional preparatory measures. This additional 24-month period ensures stakeholders have ample time to develop and refine their approaches to comply with these specific provisions.

DORA Compliance Framework

Mandatory Nature and Direct Applicability

The Regulation is mandatory in its entirety and applies directly in all Member States. As a directly applicable Regulation, it does not require transposition into national law to be enforceable. This direct applicability ensures uniform implementation and enforcement across the EU, promoting consistency and coherence in regulatory practices.

Issued in Brussels

The Regulation is issued in Brussels, the administrative center of the European Union, on behalf of both the European Parliament and the Council. This dual endorsement underscores the Regulation's legislative authority and the collaborative effort of the EU's key institutions in shaping and enforcing the new regulatory framework.

The Regulation's phased implementation approach, including the specified effective dates and extended applicability timelines for certain articles, reflects a strategic effort to balance regulatory rigor with practical considerations for stakeholders. By providing a clear timeline for its entry into force and applicability, the Regulation ensures that Member States and affected entities can prepare adequately, align their practices, and achieve full compliance with the new requirements. The mandatory and directly applicable nature of the Regulation further reinforces its significance and the EU's commitment to regulatory consistency and effectiveness.

DORA Compliance Framework