Article 4, Proportionality Principle, Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Jul 16, 2024by Kira Hk


1. Financial entities shall implement the rules laid down in Chapter II in accordance with the principle of proportionality, taking into account their size and overall risk profile, and the nature, scale and complexity of their services, activities and operations.

2. In addition, the application by financial entities of Chapters III, IV and V, Section I, shall be proportionate to their size and overall risk profile, and to the nature, scale and complexity of their services, activities and operations, as specifically provided for in the relevant rules of those Chapters.

3. The competent authorities shall consider the application of the proportionality principle by financial entities when reviewing the consistency of the ICT risk management framework on the basis of the reports submitted upon the request of competent authorities pursuant to Article 6(5) and Article 16(2).

Article 4, Proportionality Principle, Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Summary Of Article 4

Article 4 of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) emphasizes the application of the proportionality principle for financial entities. This principle mandates that financial entities implement the rules outlined in Chapter II in a manner that aligns with their size, overall risk profile, and the nature, scale, and complexity of their services, activities, and operations. Essentially, smaller or less complex entities are required to adopt rules that are proportionate to their operational scale and associated risks. Furthermore, financial entities must apply the provisions in Chapters III, IV, and V, Section I, in a manner that reflects their unique characteristics, ensuring that the rules are suited to their specific risk exposure and operational complexity.

The proportionality principle is also a key consideration for competent authorities when assessing the consistency of a financial entity’s ICT risk management framework. This evaluation is based on the reports submitted by financial entities, as required by Articles 6(5) and 16(2). In essence, Article 4 promotes a flexible, risk-based approach to compliance, ensuring that entities are held to appropriate standards based on their size and risk profile.