Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

Dec 17, 2024by Rajeshwari Kumar


Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Template outlines our organization’s commitment to preventing bribery and corruption. This policy is designed to help the organization identify, prevent, detect, and address risks related to unethical bribery and corruption, ensuring full compliance with the laws and regulations in our operating regions. The policy applies to all employees, directors, officers, contractors, and third-party representatives, regardless of location. It also covers all business activities, including interactions with public officials, commercial entities, and private individuals, both domestically and internationally. Additionally, it extends to joint ventures, suppliers, contractors, and other third-party intermediaries.

Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

Understanding Definitions In Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

  • Bribery: The offering, promising, giving, or receiving for an improper benefit or advantage, directly or through intermediaries, to impact someone in a position of trust or authority's choices or behaviour.
  • Corruption: The misuse of entrusted power for personal gain, often involving activities like bribery and extortion, which compromises the integrity of business practices.
  • Facilitation Payments: Payments made to accelerate standard government procedures, such as obtaining permits or processing official documents. This policy prohibits these payments, even if they are customary in some areas.
  • Kickbacks: Any form of compensation or reward given to an individual in exchange for assisting in securing a favourable business agreement or outcome. Like bribery, kickbacks are illegal and strictly forbidden by this policy.
  • Public Official: Any person who holds a legislative, administrative, or judicial position, whether appointed or elected, and anyone performing public duties for a government entity, state, or international public organization.

    Key Principles And Reporting Procedure In Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

    1. Gifts, Hospitality, and Entertainment - This principle governs the exchange of gifts, hospitality, and entertainment between employees, clients, and business partners to ensure that such interactions do not involve bribery or corruption. While offering or receiving gifts and hospitality can be a part of business relations, it should always be done transparently and within reasonable limits. This policy ensures that these exchanges are not used to impact decisions or gain unfair advantages. Any gift or hospitality that exceeds a set value or could be perceived as an attempt to sway business decisions must be reported, ensuring that the organization’s activities remain ethical and above board.

    2. Third-Party Due Diligence - This principle highlights the importance of carefully evaluating third-party individuals or organizations, such as suppliers, contractors, and agents, who may act on behalf of the company. The goal is to ensure that these third parties adhere to the same anti-bribery and anti-corruption standards and do not engage in unethical practices. The policy outlines the process for conducting background checks, assessing risks, and ensuring compliance with applicable laws. This helps prevent the organization from indirectly participating in bribery or corruption through business relationships.

    3. Political Contributions - This principle addresses the organization's approach to political involvement, including donations and support for political causes or candidates. To avoid conflicts of interest or undue influence, the policy sets clear guidelines on political contributions, generally prohibiting using company resources for such purposes. If political contributions are allowed, they must be fully transparent, legally compliant, and made without the intention of gaining any business advantage. The policy ensures that any political involvement is reported and subject to proper review to maintain ethical standards.

    4. Charitable Donations and Sponsorships - Charitable donations and sponsorships are vital to supporting causes and communities; however, they must never be used to disguise bribery or corruption. This principle ensures that any contributions made by the organization are for legitimate, ethical purposes and not intended to influence business decisions. The policy dictates that all donations and sponsorships be transparent, with proper documentation and oversight. The organization must ensure that these activities align with its core values and comply with anti-bribery and corruption standards.

    Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

    Importance Of Policy Review In Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy Template

    The Policy Review section outlines the process for regularly assessing and updating the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. This review ensures that the policy stays aligned with current laws, regulations, and industry best practices, adapting to changes in the organization’s operations or the legal landscape. The review process typically involves evaluating the policy's implementation, identifying potential gaps or weaknesses, and making necessary improvements to enhance its effectiveness in preventing bribery and corruption. 

    Regular reviews also help maintain a proactive approach to compliance, ensuring that employees and stakeholders are continually reminded of the organization’s commitment to ethical conduct. Feedback from relevant departments and any findings from audits or investigations may be considered during the policy review to refine and strengthen the policy.

    The organization's periodic reviews demonstrate its commitment to maintaining a robust anti-bribery and corruption framework that effectively manages and mitigates risks while promoting transparency and accountability.


    The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy is a crucial tool in safeguarding an organization's integrity by establishing clear guidelines and expectations for ethical conduct. By emphasizing transparency, accountability, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations, the policy helps prevent bribery and corruption within the organization and its dealings with third parties.