ISO 27001 Clause 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action

by Maya G

ISO 27001 Clause 10.2 specifically addresses "Nonconformity and corrective action" within the context of an information security management system (ISMS). This clause focuses on the process of handling nonconformities and implementing corrective actions.

ISO 27001 Bundle, ISO 27001 Implementation toolkit

The key points covered in Clause 10.2 are as follows:

  • Nonconformity management: Organizations must establish a systematic approach to identify, evaluate, and manage nonconformities within the ISMS. Nonconformities refer to instances where the ISMS does not conform to the requirements of ISO 27001, the organization's own policies, or other applicable criteria.
  • Corrective actions: When nonconformities are identified, organizations are required to take appropriate corrective actions. Corrective actions aim to address the root causes of nonconformities, prevent their recurrence, and restore the effectiveness of the ISMS.
  • Corrective action process: The organization should establish a process for handling corrective actions. This process should include the following steps:
  • Documenting the nonconformity: Nonconformities should be documented, including information about the nature of the nonconformity, its location, and any relevant supporting evidence.
  • Determining the causes: Organizations should investigate and determine the root causes of the nonconformity to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
  • Developing corrective actions: Based on the identified causes, appropriate corrective actions should be developed to address the nonconformity effectively.
  • Implementing corrective actions: The corrective actions should be implemented in a timely manner, considering the significance of the nonconformity and the associated risks.
  • Verifying the effectiveness: Organizations should verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective
ISO 27001 Bundle, ISO 27001 Implementation toolkit